About us

We are a company that provides solutions for international merchandise trade with more than 10 years of experience in the Asian market.

Our base of operations is located in China, an Asian country that represents the "heart of international trade" par excellence, which positions us as a company capable of providing differential services that make it the best choice at the time to think of a "strategic alliance" for the development of your business.

Knowledge of the culture and the way in which business is carried out in the People's Republic of China is a limitation that we have managed to turn into a strength to promote business.

We are characterized by the speed in responding to unsatisfied demands, offering a work team that moves throughout China in search of fast and efficient solutions, capable of responding to customers around the world.

At Pan American Bridge LTD., the motto "win - win" ceases to be a simple slogan and makes sense in the daily operation with our clients. We believe that success is really only achieved when it is shared.

That is why we are waiting for you to develop strategic sourcing alternatives that enhance your business and make it grow exponentially.


3806 Central Plaza
18 Harbour Road
Hong Kong

Contact us

Email: info@panamericanhk.com
Phone: +86 (21) 5042 9678