
When it comes to meeting needs, at Kewen we work not only providing solutions through the different services we provide in China but also detecting unmet needs in the different markets with which we work.

We have developed products that we commercialize directly, consolidating ourselves as trading. According to studies carried out by the UN, trading develops around a quarter of the world merchandise trade.

The rapid detection of needs worldwide, along with the detection of opportunities from the supply side of the Chinese market, makes it possible to articulate between supply and demand, completing businesses at the speed that current times demand.

At Pan American Bridge LTD. we offer, in terms of sales management itself, a "point to point" service, ranging from product and supplier development to completing the operation with the delivery and collection of products.

Participation in specific fairs for each product boosts sales and brings the different players in foreign trade closer.

From Pan American Bridge LTD. participation in international fairs both within China and in other parts of the world, with our own products or supporting our clients, we promote product development and attract new clients.


3806 Central Plaza
18 Harbour Road
Hong Kong

Contact us

Phone: +86 (21) 5042 9678