
At Pan American Bridge LTD. we are dedicated to providing solutions to our clients' needs through the search and development of suppliers that can respond to specific requirements, working in a personalized way, always focusing on finding the best option for each order.

One of our strengths is being close to suppliers with more than a decade of experience operating from Shanghai, the heart of world trade par excellence.

This base of operations allows us to have a deep understanding of the different industries and their performance, the price and quality options existing in the market, the response levels in terms of delivery times and formats, among other questions that make the whole operation. 

In this way, we develop the appropriate supplier to the needs of our client, that satisfies the price, payment and delivery conditions, among others, that make the operation viable.


3806 Central Plaza
18 Harbour Road
Hong Kong

Contact us

Phone: +86 (21) 5042 9678